Election FAQ’s
The 2025 Primary Election is on May 20th, and the 2025 General Election is on November 4th.
Each municipality has designated polling places for each district, ward, or precinct.
If you do not know where your polling place is, enter your name and address into this link and find out!
Note: Polling locations open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. If you are waiting in line at 8:00 p.m., you will still be allowed to vote, so do not leave!
Unfortunately, the deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot will have passed by then.
However, if you are facing an extenuating circumstance, illness, or sudden reason for leaving Delco on Election Day, you can apply for an emergency mail-in ballot.
Complete the form and IMMEDIATELY turn it into the Delaware County Election Bureau at 201 W Front St, Media, PA 19063.
Note: If you are unable to return your mail-in ballot, you may fill out a proxy form to allow someone to return your ballot for you.
Once you have completed your mail-in ballot, you can turn it in a few different ways. You can mail back the ballot to the Election Bureau. Postage is not required to mail back a ballot. You can also drop off your ballot at any of the drop boxes around Delaware County.
Mail-in ballots must be received by the Election Bureau by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day for your vote to count.
You can find the closest dropbox to you at this link: https://delcopa.gov/vote/ballotdropbox.html
Note: Once you fill out or send back a mail-in ballot, you cannot opt for a provisional ballot on Election Day, so be absolutely certain that you complete your ballot soon enough so it can be received and processed by the Election Bureau for your vote to count!
The PA Voter Services website offers an online portal that you can use to track the status of your mail-in ballot, from application to return.
To track your ballot, go to this link: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/ballottracking.aspx
The Election Bureau handles mail-in ballot requests.
If you have completed your application for a mail-in ballot and have not received one yet, you should contact the Election Bureau and ensure that your application was processed and approved.
The phone number for the Election Bureau is (610) 891-4673
If you have already turned in your mail-in ballot, but you have not received confirmation that it has been processed, you can do a few things.
You can call the Election Bureau and ask them to verify that your ballot has been received.
Or, you can visit the PA Voter Services portal and enter your information to check on the status of your ballot.
The phone number for the Election Bureau is (610) 891-4673.
The link to the PA Voter Services portal is https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/ballottracking.aspx
If you requested a mail-in ballot, but you would rather vote in person on Election Day, don’t worry!
In order to vote in person at the polls on Election Day, you must bring your blank mail-in ballot to your polling location, along with the envelope that it was mailed to you in.
Once you are there, simply hand the mail-in ballot to an election official for spoiling, and proceed to fill out the ballot that is handed to you at your polling location!
Note: You cannot vote provisionally if you have already filled out your mail-in ballot. If you do not bring the blank ballot with you on Election Day, you will be denied the right to vote in person. Instead, you must take your completed mail-in ballot and deliver it to the proper location.
If your mail-in ballot was turned in before the deadline, but you did not receive confirmation that it was processed, you are still able to vote in person on Election Day at your assigned polling location.
Once you are at your polling location, you will have to complete a series of steps:
Complete the sections on the provisional envelope labeled Voter Information, Voter Affidavit for Provisional Ballot, and Current Address in front of election officials.
Mark your provisional ballot in an accessible and private area of the polling place.
Seal your provisional ballot in the secrecy envelope.
Seal the secrecy envelope in the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
Fill out the Voter Signature section on the provisional ballot envelope in front of polling place election officials.
Return the sealed provisional ballot affidavit envelope to a polling place election official.
Receive your provisional ballot identification receipt.
Provisional ballots are counted within 7 days of the election. Once election officials receive your provisional ballot, they will determine whether or not it is eligible.
If your ballot is deemed eligible, your vote will be counted.
If your ballot is deemed ineligible, your vote will not be counted.
You can visit this link to see why your ballot was deemed ineligible: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/ProvisionalBallotSearch.aspx
Delaware County has many opportunities for those who wish to work at the polls on Election Day. Delaware County is hiring poll workers for the upcoming election. Poll watching is a crucial job to ensure the integrity of elections.
If you would like to apply, visit: delcopa.gov/vote/becomingapollworker